Mini Maker Notebook v1

The Mini Maker Notebook is a pocket sized tool for students to record their Maker experience. Students can assemble their own Mini Maker Notebook from a single sheet of paper. Teachers can use the completed notebook as an assessment tool.

Mini Maker Notebook
Download a copy of the MiniMakerNotebookv1 here. Make your own customized notebook at

The front cover  of the notebook has a spot for the student’s name, the date and an area to state the Problem, Need or Question that is being solved.

The Design section includes a blank sheet for brainstorming or making a hypothesis. There is graph paper for sketching out the initial design. Students should record the initial thinking that goes into their Maker project.

The Make section includes a lined checklist for listing part, settings and steps in the building process. The blank area allows room for drawing different build attempts, recording measurements and anything else needed to document the build.

The Share section includes a space for student to write down what they want others to know about what they made. The blank section allows students to storyboard a tutorial, script an ad or provide data.

The back cover gives closure to the project and can serve as an abstract or summary. Students can name their project and illustrate their final design. The back cover includes a lined area for student to write down how what they made solves the problem, fills the need or answers the question posed on the front cover.

The Mini Maker Notebook – Thingiverse Edition is available at Thingiverse is a great way for students to share their work. When uploading a thing to thingiverse, the students need to give a title, description, instructions, category, tags, license and sources. This is an authentic method for assessing a student project.

Share ideas for improvement of the Mini Maker Notebook  in the comments or contact me on Twitter @DesignMakeTeach or on Facebook
