I’m a FabLearn Fellow and So Can You!

Woot! I’m excited to announce that I was selected as a Stanford FabLearn Fellow. http://fablearn.stanford.edu/ fellows-new/


While I’m very proud to be a part of the Fellows cohort there isn’t anything magic about being selected. I’ve posted my application at https://designmaketeach.com/ 2016/07/09/fablearn- fellowship-application/. (I also applied in 2014 and wasn’t selected.) The FabLearn Fellows program isn’t an award or a prize but rather an invitation to participate in the work of “integrating the principles of educational makerspaces and constructionist learning into formal and informal K-12 education”. Everyone can be part of this work.

I invite you to be a part of the FabLearn Fellowship…

FabLearn Conference

-Watch the recorded session of the FabLearn 2016 conference. http://fablearn.stanford.edu/ conferences/stanford2016/

-Attend the annual Stanford FabLearn conference or FabLearn conference around the world. There are upcoming events in Hong Kong and Finland. http://fablearn.stanford.edu/ conferences/


-Watch and use the #FabLearn hashtag.

-Subscribe to Sylvia Martinez’s FabLearn Fellows Twitter list. https://twitter.com/smartinez/ lists/fablearn-fellows

-Join the  K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces Google Group. Active group with over 1,600 members. https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!forum/k-12-fablabs


-Read Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for FabLabs and Makerspaces a free ebook written by the first FabLearn Fellows cohort. http://fablearn.stanford.edu/ fellows-new/meaningful-making- book/

-Read Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom by Sylvia Martinez and  Gary Stager. All the resource links in the book are available for free at http://inventtolearn.com/resources/.


-Blog: 2-3 times a month about your work in formal/informal makerspaces. Remix and expand. Explain new contexts. Share projects. See the 2014 FabLearn Fellows blog at http://fablearn.stanford.edu/fellows/blog/all. See my blog at http://designmaketeach.com.

-Instagram: journal your work. Regular snapshots of your work can be just as valuable as the most well written article or presentation. https://www.instagram.com/ designmaketeach/

-Tweet: ask questions, give encouragement, share, attribute and amplify the work of diverse maker educators. https://twitter.com/ DesignMakeTeach


-Want a title? How about FabLearn Friend or member of the FabLearn Tribe?


-There wasn’t a fancy FabLearn Fellows plaque or t-shirt so go ahead and make some DIY swag.


-#FabLearn SVG : Perfect for creating a sticker, t-shirt, fridge magnet, badge, etc. Click here to download #FabLearn SVG (.zip)