Photo: Denver Fueling

One of the central elements of my Design, Make, Share model for MAKING in the classroom is sharing the story of the learning process with the world. I call it going from bits to atoms to waves. It requires developing skills in telling a story with photos, videos and words. I believe that sharing is one of the biggest opportunities for growth for maker educators and maker learners.

I recently bought a new camera as an excuse to work on my photography and storytelling skills. I’ve picked one photo from my recent trip to the NOMCON conference in Santa Fe to illustrate my first steps in visual storytelling.

I was in a cramped hallway in the Denver airport waiting to walk out on the tarmac for the short flight to Santa Fe. I knew that it was close to dusk and had my camera ready as we started outside. I took pictures on the move as we approached the plane and climbed the boarding ramp. When I sat down in my seat I saw the pieces I wanted to capture; the tower, plane and the sunset. I took several shots but it wasn’t until the member of the ground crew walked into the frame dragging the hose out of the way that everything came together.


I used a Canon M50 to take this photo. You can support my blogging efforts by starting your Amazon shopping trip using my Amazon affiliate link.