TII Makerspace Workshop – Year 1

Makerspace Workshop
Teacher Innovator Institute – Year 1

Presentation: TII_Smithsonian_2019_ Year_1

Bellringer: Padlet: What do you make? https://padlet.com/designmaketeach/4u361qzis7rx

Challenge: Flipgrid: Create a personally meaningful story via a 90 sec video, incorporating the icon you drew and the workshop supplies. https://flipgrid.com/720f71 (password Makerspace)

Activity: Makey Makey and Scratch

micro:bit Poster: https://faraday-secondary.theiet.org/posters/
micro:bit resources from Gary Stager: https://inventtolearn.com/iste19/
-Handout: Micro:bit getting started with MakeCode plus connecting external motors, LEDs, & speakers/headphones (PDF)
Gary Stager’s micro:bit project starter Ideas


Closure: Flipgrid: Create 90 sec video describing how you will bring principles of the maker movement to your classroom and school. https://flipgrid.com/720f71 (password Makerspace)


-FREE electronic edition of  Meaningful Making 1 and 2: Projects and Inspirations for FabLabs and Makerspaces https://fablearn.org/fellows/meaningful-making-book/

Makerspace Starter Kit Card: https://designmaketeach.com/2018/03/29/makerspace-starter-kit-2018/

CTE Makeover Challenge Bootcamp: http://www.ctemakeoverchallenge.com/cte-makeover-bootcamp/

-0 Things: Diversity, Opportunity & 3D Printing: https://designmaketeach.com/2017/07/21/0-things-diversity-opportunity-3d-printing/

K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces Group:  https://sites.google.com/site/k12makers/